Monday, June 17, 2013

New Blog

Hi friends,

I've been a little more active on my other blog at

Please visit me there for more regular updates. Thanks so much :)


Friday, February 15, 2013

Angulimal's Nirvana

I had heard a story in my childhood ..rather I had read it in one of my Hindi text-books in the early years of my school. It was the story of a ferocious beast who had killed thousands of people ..and what happens when he comes face-to-face with the enlightened one, the Buddha. This chance meeting was a transforming experience for the demon..and the chapter in my book stopped there. The story had always intrigued my mind. Later, as I I experienced life a little more..I came across the same story and also more anecdotes and things associated to this. It must have been a rather unique moment that day when the demon met the Buddha…and that was just the tip of the ice-berg…there were so many more anecdotes and transforming experiences to follow after that day.
I’ve tried to express this story…rather in the form of a mind-dump..or a random blog below. The 1 minute video included here is a kind of a trailer to this story…in 60 seconds the video should give you a good glimpse of what happened that day twenty-five centuries ago..and what happened after that as well. The full story/blog is given at my site here. Hope you’ll like the experience of going through  the blog.
Blessings !

About me

Hi friends,
In the journey of life, so far, I've experienced Engineering, Music-making, Film-making, Training and Education and some candid Blogging, Poetry and Photography.  My website ( showcases some of these expressions. Please explore the same for some music, films, blogs an some more creative artifacts. I hope you’ll love being there.
Best wishes and blessings for all :)
-Aditya Pathak